10 Best Immune-Boosting Foods

Best Immune-Boosting Foods


“Your immune system relies on the nutrients from the foods you eat to stay strong. Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and other immune-boosting foods can make a big difference in your overall health.” – Dr . Sarah Johnson, Nutritionist.


 Immune system is the defence force of your body fighting off the viruses, bacteria and other malicious microorganisms. However, similar to any good bodyguard, your immune system requires the right food in order to work optimally. That is where your diet comes in! Seems like you need a good dose of the energy foods that will help you build up a good immune system so as to fight any infections that try to come your way. 


The Power of Immune-Boosting Foods

 In fact, do you know that the foods which you take could lead to a direct influence on your immune system? Some food ”is indeed loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will boost your immune system in many folds. Still, these foods should be your immune system’s secret weapon to fight infections and maintain good health. 

 10  Best Immune-Boosting Foods

1.Citrus Fruits 

 Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes may be the first foods that we remember to enhance our immune system. That is attributable to the fact that they are nutrient dense foods, particularly, vitamin C, which is helpful in enhancing the production of white blood cells, the body’s powerhouse in fighting off infection. Fresh fruits especially oranges are natural antioxidants that can be taken to boost one’s immune system without stress. 

2.Red Bell Peppers 

 Move over, oranges! Surprisingly, red bell peppers have twice as much vitamin C as oranges: Of course that is per serving size. These bright-hued vegetables are also rich in beta-carotene that is converted to Vitamin A in the body that helps in improving the body’s immunity. You can even prepare them as snacks, popsicle, or include them to be part of your food menu because they are packed with vitamins. 


 Broccoli is without doubt one of the most nutritious foods. ‘Broccoli is one of the most nutritious foods that you can eat because it contains some of the vitamins such as vitamin A, C and E, fiber and antioxidants. ’ The best part? Raw or only lightly cooked and it is very simple to incorporate into salads or as a vegetable side dish. 


 Garlic is not only popular in folk tale that can stops vampires! This bitter-smelling plant has been in use for the purpose of adding to its healing properties. Garlic is priovided with the chemical allicin that has been found to enhance the germ-fighting ability of the immune system. When eaten raw in chunks, roasted or incorporated into foods, garlic is a tasty means of bolstering one’s immune system. 


 Another great example of immune boosting benefits is Ginger that has multiple benefits including a powerful anti inflammation and antioxidants. They also contain health benefits such as the ability to lower inflammation that can in turn enhance the performance of the immune system. Here are simple ways that you can introduce the spice in your meals Ginger tea: You can prepare ginger tea and take it as a morning drink or any time of the day.


 Spinach affords the immune boosting vitamins C, E and carotene together with other elements like omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, to maintain its nutrients you should lightly cook the spinach – or even better – include it to a salad. 


 Yogurt is especially packed rich with probiotics, which are friendly bacteria for your digestive system. Probiotics or ‘‘healthy’’ bacteria enhance the composition of the gut which forms a significant part of the individual immune system. Use the natural yogurt that has no added sugars and should be cultured to provide maximum health benefits for your body and serve it alongside fruits or honey. 


 As for other vitamins that help increase the body’s immunities, people seldomly consider vitamin E. Almonds are packed with vitamin E as well as fats, these nuts are considered healthy. They also carry anti aging properties and boost your immune system and you only need a handful of almonds a day. 


 Turmeric is a bright yellow spice which had been used in traditional medicine for thousand of years. It has an active component called curcumin that possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity that helps individuals improve immune function. Take some raw turmeric and put a little into your next soup, stew or mix it in your next smoothie. 

 10. Green Tea 

 Flavonoids, a certain kind of antioxidants, are present in abundance in green tea and these have a tendency to improve your immune system. It also includes an amino acid known as L-theanine, which is known to help create germ-fighting ingredients in your T-cells. Green tea is a mild immune booster, so it’s quite okay to take green tea throughout the day. 

“Including foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in your diet is one of the best ways to support your immune system naturally.” – Dr . Michael Carter, Immunologist.

Facts Table: Immune-Boosting Nutrients and Their Sources

Nutrient Source
Vitamin C Citrus fruits, red bell peppers, broccoli
Vitamin A Red bell peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes
Vitamin E Almonds, sunflower seeds, spinach
Antioxidants Green tea, spinach, turmeric, berries
Probiotics Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut


 These10 foods listed above are great immune-boosting foods that can be easily taken in the diet plan. Furthermore, do note that there is no ‘earmark’ food item that will suddenly make your immunity stronger, but eating right foods that is packed with nutrients can truly help you out a lot. Therefore, the next time that you go to the grocery, make sure to pack on on these immune boosting ingredients that will help your body fight off disease. 

 10  Best Immune-Boosting Foods

Frequently Asked questions

How Can I Boost My Immune System Quickly?

The following are important, natural ways of quickly boosting up your immune system: Taking balanced diet full of immune boosting food, healthy sleeping, regular drinking of water and minimizing stress.

What Are the Best Fruits for Immunity?

Some of the fruits that may be very topical in increasing immune system include oranges, grape fruits, lemons among others since they contain vitamin C.

How Does Garlic Help the Immune System?

Garlic has a compound referred to as allicin that helps to boost the immunity of human body to fight diseases.

Can Supplements Replace Immune-Boosting Foods?

While supplements can help fill in nutritional gaps, they shouldn’t replace a healthy diet. Whole foods provide a wide range of nutrients that work together to support your immune system.

How Much Vitamin C Do I Need Daily for Immunity?

It is believed that an adult, who does not have any particular health issues, should consume 65-90 milligrams of vitamin C a day. That being said, during the times where you are sick or stressed, your body may need more of it.

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