10 Fruits to Avoid for Weight Loss

10 Fruits to Avoid for Weight Loss

Fruits are mainly eaten in health-conscious diets since they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Thus, not all fruits are equally effective when it comes to reducing waist size. Beware, however, that certain fruits are quite rich in sugar and calories(fruits to , and that can dampen your desired weight loss plan. Knowledge of which fruits are prohibited or might slow down progress is important because it assists people in achieving a nutritious diet. 

 Understanding Fruit and Weight Loss

Fruits are now on the list of healthy foods, but they do not all help to lose weight, especially when the fruits are rich in sugar and calories. Although the fruits contain some of the required nutrients, not all of them have low sugar content or calories. However, eating too many of such fruits can work in the opposite direction of what people want for losing weight. When considering weight loss, one needs to be particularly careful about the portions and the total amount of calories consumed. 

Fruits to Avoid for Weight Loss

1. Banana 

Bananas are a  ‘good’ source of potassium; bananas contain quite a lot of calories and sugar. The cost to buy 1 banana medium size is about 100–105 calories and 14 grams of sugar. They contain high levels of nutrients, but they are also high in sugar; hence, when you take them in large quantities, you are likely to gain weight. If you fancy taking bananas, then it is advised to take only one small banana a day. 

 2. Mango 

Mangoes are sweet, juicy fruits that contain vitamin A, vitamin C, and a whole lot more, but these fruits contain sugar. In one cup of mango chunks, there are about 99 calories and 23 grams of sugar present. This can be a very large quantity of sugar, particularly for those who are aiming to lose weight. For weight watchers, they should reduce the quantity or select fruits in the low-glycemic index foods. 

 3. Grapes 

 Fruits like grapes could easily give the perception of being healthy, yet they are very rich in sugar and calories. In one cup of grapes, there are 62 calories and 16 grams of sugar. This is mainly due to their high glycemic index, which can lead to increase in blood sugar levels This may be counterproductive when it comes to losing weight. Grapes should be taken in moderation and should be replaced with lower-calorie fruits. 

 4. Pineapple 

The fruit is sweet and has a tropical feel to it, but if you keep that in mind, pineapple has quite a lot of sugar content. It may come as a shock that a cup of pineapple chunks is set at about 82 calories with 16 grams of sugar. Generally, pineapple is extremely healthy for you, but because of its high sugar content, it should only be taken occasionally to avoid adding more pounds. 

 5. Cherries 

 Cherries are not only delicious but also contain calories, though are superior in quality to other calorie-intensive fruits. One serving of cherries a cup contains 97 calories and 20 grams of sugar. They are rich in sugar and therefore they can be misleading for those out for a diet intending to shed some weight. One should consider arranging to take them in reasonable portions or to substitute for them with low-calorie fruits. 

 6. Figs 

 Figs are a good source of nutrients but, at the same time, contain calories and sugar. Just one medium fresh fig is about 37 calories and contains nearly about 8 grams of sugar. Although there are numerous dieters’ friendly fruits, some of them are even richer in calories than common nuts, for example, dried figs. It is normally okay to have them once in a while, especially when you want to have an extra serving as a snack or dessert, but one should be cautious not to over indulge. 

 7. Avocado 

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 As much as avocados are also considered to have healthy fats, they contain a lot of calories. It contains approximately 240 calories in one avocado. Even as they offer great nutritional value, they are calorie-dense and should therefore be taken sparingly, especially by people under weight loss programs. 

 8. Pomegranate 

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 Pomegranates are rather rich in antioxidants but they are fairly sweet and have some sugar content. The calorie content of one cup of pomegranate seeds is 83, with 19 grams of sugar. However, for weight-conscious people, it is advisable to part-take in this fruit in small proportions or make it one of your diet meals. 

 9. Dates 

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 Dates are known to be natural sweeteners but they themselves contain massive amounts of sugar. Four jumbo dates can be made to about 280 calories and a high proportion of 64 grams of sugar. For this reason, they contain a high amount of sugar, which is not so beneficial for those who seek a diet. If you are a lover of dates, then ensure that you take small proportions of it. 

 10. Coconut 

 Coconut in natural form, fresh or processed, is highly caloric and fatty. There are 200 calories in a cup of shredded coconut. Healthy fats present in coconut can hamper weight loss as the calories of this food are rather high. Eat less coconut and try to use fresh coconut when you can avoid canned or processed products. 

Tips for Managing Fruit Intake

To manage fruit intake while trying to lose weight, consider the following tips:

  • Portion Control: Portion control is important so as to avoid taking in many calories and sugars in whatever one’s eating.
  • Choose Low-Calorie Fruits: While choosing fruits, it is always better to choose those that contain fewer calories and are less sweet, such as berries and melons.
  • Balance Your Diet: Include as many fruits and vegetables as possible to be able to maintain a balanced diet.


Despite the fact that fruits are very beneficial to your health, they draw back your weight loss mission due to their sugars and calorie content. Appreciating that fruits contain natural sugars, it is possible to take them in healthy quantities and types that do not affect weight loss progress. As with all fruits, it is recommended that the consumption of mangoes be accompanied by the consumption of other healthy foods, physical exercise and proper hygiene to achieve the best benefits from the fruit. 

Frequently asked question

What are some low-calorie fruits that are good for weight loss?

Low-calorie fruits like strawberries, raspberries, and watermelon are excellent choices for weight loss.

Can I still eat fruits if I’m trying to lose weight?

Of course, it is possible to eat fruits while on a diet and it is still safe to do it as long as one is careful with the amount of food and the type of fruits consumed.

How do I choose fruits that won't affect my weight loss efforts?

Choose fibre rich fruits with little or no sugar such as apples, pears and berries.

Are there any fruits that help boost metabolism?

Fruits like grapefruit and berries may help boost metabolism due to their high antioxidant content.

What is the best way to incorporate fruits into a weight loss diet?

Incorporate fruits into your diet by adding them to meals in moderate portions, choosing lower-calorie options, and balancing them with other nutrient-rich foods.

 10 Fruits to Avoid for Weight Loss

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