12 Best High Protein Seeds and Nuts

12 Best High Protein Seeds and Nuts

Adding nuts and seeds to your food is easy, as well as a great way to increase your protein intake. If you want to know which nuts and seeds are high in protein or which seeds are loaded with protein,.

This article will provide all the information that you need. Apart from being high protein seeds and nuts, these snacks are also rich in some of the other nutrients which may be beneficial to the human body. It is now time to look at the proteins contained in nuts and seeds that will enable you to achieve your dietary objectives.

High Protein Seeds and Nuts

1. Almonds

Almonds are among the top protein-rich seeds and nuts .About 6 grams of protein is found in one ounce or approximately 23 pieces of almonds, thus making them a good protein nut for both   vegetarian and non-vegetarians 

Almonds are not only high in protein but also rich in vitamin E, magnesium, and healthy fats, making them a well-rounded snack for energy and nutrition,” says Dr . Sarah Brewer, a nutrition expert.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 7g
  • Fat: 13g pumpkin 
  • Calories: 151            

2. Pumpkin Seeds

 Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that pumpkin seeds are quite rich in nutrients. Pumpkin seeds are a nutritional powerhouse. Pumpkin seeds, despite being as small as seeds can get, are quite protein-rich, containing approximately 7 grams of protein per ounce. 

“Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of magnesium and zinc, essential for immune function and energy production,” says Dr . Jane Clarke, a registered dietitian.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 7g
  • Fat: 13g pumpkin 
  • Calories: 151                 

3. Peanuts

 Actually, peanuts can be classified as legumes, but for some reason they are associated with nuts and as a matter of fact, peanuts belong to the high protein seeds and nuts  . About 7 grams of protein is included in one ounce. 

Peanuts provide a good mix of protein, fibre, and healthy fats, making them a heart-healthy option,” says Dr . John Smith, a cardiologist.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 7g
  • Fat: 14g
  • Calories: 161

4. Sunflower Seeds

 Another high-protein nut and seed which should be considered are sunflower seeds. In sunflower seed, 6 grams of protein are provided per ounce. 

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 6g
  • Fat: 14g
  • Calories: 165

5. Walnuts

 While they aren’t the highest in protein at 4 grams per ounce, they are a source of omega 3 fatty acids, making them one of the best low-fat, high-protein nuts and seeds. 

“Walnuts are not just a great source of protein, but their high omega-3 content makes them exceptional for heart health and brain function, says Dr . Mark Hyman, a nutrition and wellness expert.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 4g
  • Fat: 18g
  • Calories: 185

6. Chia Seeds

 It can be regarded as midgets in terms of size, but these seeds of the chia plant provide 4. Protein content is in the range of 7 g/ounce. They also contain a very low amount of fats and cholesterol, and they are fruits of fibre and omega-3 fatty acid. 

 “Chia seeds are small but mighty, providing a balance of protein, fibre, and omega-3s. They’re perfect for adding nutritional density to meals,” states Dr . Julie Upton, a registered dietitian.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 4.7g
  • Fat: 8.6g
  • Calories: 138

7. Hemp Seeds

 Hemp seeds are known to be among the high protein seeds and nuts, with protein content of 9 g per 100 g. They are also rich in essential dietary fats, and these are very important in the body. 

Hemp seeds offer complete protein, making them a valuable plant-based option for vegetarians and vegans,” says Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, an integrative medicine expert

.Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 9g
  • Fat: 12g
  • Calories: 166

8. Cashews

 A source of about 5 grams of protein per ounce is offered by cashews(high protein seeds and nuts). As with most nuts, peanuts are slightly lower in protein than other foods of their sort but they are a rich source of healthy fats and minerals.

Cashews are a versatile nut rich in protein and essential minerals like magnesium, which supports bone health and energy production,” says Dr . Michael Greger, a physician and author.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 5g
  • Fat: 12g
  • Calories: 157

9. Flaxseeds

 Flaxseeds offer around 5. It contains about 2 grams of protein per ounce and also contains fibre and Omega-3 fatty acids to boot, which puts it on the high protein seeds and nuts list as well. 

Flaxseeds are an excellent source of both protein and fibre, plus they’re rich in lignans, which have potential cancer-fighting properties,” explains Dr . Andrew Weil, a well-known physician and wellness advocate.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 5.2g
  • Fat: 12g
  • Calories: 150

10. Brazil Nuts

 Brazil nuts are also loaded with high proteins and one ounce contains 4 grams of proteins while being rich in selenium, a vital mineral for the thyroid gland. 

Just one or two Brazil nuts a day can meet your daily selenium needs, supporting immune function and thyroid health,” says Dr . Frank Lipman, a pioneer in integrative medicine.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 4g
  • Fat: 19g
  • Calories: 186

11. Pistachios

Pistachios are a low-fat, high-protein nut with around 6 grams of protein per ounce. They are also lower in calories compared to many other nuts.

“Pistachios provide a good amount of protein with fewer calories than many other nuts, making them a smart choice for those watching their weight,” says Dr . Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 oz):

  • Protein: 6g
  • Fat: 12g
  • Calories: 156

12. Quinoa Seeds

Though technically a seed, quinoa is often considered a grain. It offers about 8 grams of protein per cup and is one of the few plant-based sources of complete protein.

Quinoa is a rare plant-based complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. It’s a fantastic grain alternative for boosting protein intake,” says D r. Walter Willett, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology.

Nutritional Facts (Per 1 cup cooked):

  • Protein: 8g
  • Fat: 4g
  • Calories: 222

 12 Best High Protein Seeds and Nuts

Facts Table: high Protein Content in Seeds and Nuts

Seed/Nut Protein (per 1 oz) Fat (per 1 oz) Calories (per 1 oz)
Almonds 6g 14g 164
Pumpkin Seeds 7g 13g 151
Peanuts 7g 14g 161
Sunflower Seeds 6g 14g 165
Walnuts 4g 18g 185
Chia Seeds 4.7g 8.6g 138
Hemp Seeds 9g 12g 166
Cashews 5g 12g 157
Flaxseeds 5.2g 12g 150
Brazil Nuts 4g 19g 186
Pistachios 6g 12g 156
Quinoa Seeds 8g (per cup) 4g 222 (per cup)


Introducing these high  protein  nuts and seeds to your diet will have various advantages, including high protein seeds and nuts content, essential fatty acids and mineral content. If you are eating almonds, including chia seeds in a shake, or putting hemp seeds on your salad, these foods will keep you full, satisfied and healthy. 

Green-Modern-Nutrition-Facts-Instagram-Post-Template-300x300 12 Best High Protein Seeds and Nuts

Frequently asked question

Are nuts a complete source of protein?

The majority of nuts are not even a complete protein food. However some of these plant based proteins on their own lack all the essential amino acids but when taken together with other plant based protein sources such as beans or cereals they can supply all essential amino acids.

Which seeds and nuts are highest in protein?

Nuts such as hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds as well as almonds are among the richest sources of protein.

Are there any low-protein nuts?

Yes, literally; it’s true that nuts such as walnuts and macadamia nuts contain less amount of protein than any other nuts such as almonds and peanuts.

Can nuts and seeds help with weight loss?

Yes, nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients and they are filling; they will complement a weight loss program if taken in moderation.

Are there any low-fat, high-protein nuts?

Pistachios can be classified as a low fat, high protein nut; far more suitable for those intending to cut down on fats.

Key Take way

Including these high protein seeds and nuts into your food should enable you to add more protein to your diet and similarly a change of variety and texture. As it states, everything must be taken in moderation in order to get all the benefits the foods mentioned above have to offer. 

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