Top 10 protein foods for weight gain


Do you want to put on muscle and gain weight the right way? Welcome, we want to bring to your attention the power of protein .This macronutrient is so essential since it is the single component of muscle tissue and plays a direct role in muscles’ repair and for weight gain.

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 However, if there is room for excess calories and strength training is done with great regularity, adding high-protein foods to the diet becomes a secret weapon in the context of weight gain.


This article will look at the 10 most important sources of protein that will help you pack on the right kind of weight. Whether it’s lean meat, fish, creamy yogurt or nuts, there are plenty of delicious ways to pack in protein, enabling you to have a power-packed meal or snack.

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Fatty Fish (Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel)

Discover the taste of protein and nutrition in every bite as you go through the list of fatty fish: salmon, tuna, and mackerel! These superstars of the sea offer a double whammy: a good amount of protein to complement muscle mass with an abundance of omega-3s for overall health. 

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 Protein Powerhouse: As far as protein richness is concerned, no one can compete with fatty fish. The protein you need for muscle repair and regeneration is found in abundance. 3 ounces of salmon provides 22 grams of protein. This protein provides the elements your body needs to gain and recover from the mass you perform in the gym, with the goal of increasing muscle tissue formation.

 Omega-3 Advantage: Apart from the protein concentration, fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids is a wonderful find. These fats are very important in the hearts of individuals, fighting inflammation and even in enhancing the brain. Omega-3s can also improve satiety resulting in longer hours that one will not feel hungry in the process helping to manage hunger in the entire day. 

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 Delicious Versatility: The flavour profile of fatty fish is transcendental to create delightful dishes on the dinner tables. Depending on a person’s taste preference, one can spoil themselves with the natural and juicy taste of salmon, the ability to have canned tuna always in stock, or the delicious smoky taste of mackerel. sushi or you may also cook it through broiling, grilling, baking, sautéing or even poaching. Tuna is versatile and can be eaten with bread or as filling for sandwiches, mixed with salad or cooked in rich tasty casserole. Mackerel as well can be smoked, grilled or baked, giving your dishes the smoky tender flavour that is delicious. 

 Incorporating Fatty Fish: It is recommended to consume 2/3 a fatty fish per week to help get the needed amount of protein and omega-three of the body.

Here, are some simple strategies that can help to incorporate them: 

  •  Breakfast: For breakfast they have smoked salmon on whole-grain bread served with cream cheese on the side. 
  •  Lunch: Consume tuna salad with whole-wheat bread and pieces of avocados, the good fats are good for the body and allowed within the meal plan for the day. 
  •  Dinner: Savour tasty and healthy dish of lemon-butter salmon filet embedded with the improved roasted vegetables list. 
  •  Snacks: There should also be cans of tuna or salmon in the pantry in order to add more protein to a recipe within a blink of an eye. Accompany with small cookies, whole-wheat bread or as a side dish with a fresh crisp salad. 

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 By integrating these two flexible and palatable fish in your take on nourishment arrangement you will be nearer to attaining your weight addition objective and concurrently help in enhancing your wellbeing. 

Red Meat (Beef, Lamb)

Red Meat: When it comes to protein  food, it has more accuracy in defining what it is. 

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 Beef and lamb form part of the red meat group and they are endowed with high protein value; they should grace your weight gain plan. However, as it often happens with many things in this world, red meat is painted with the ‘consider this’ label. Now, it is time to define why the usage of red meat could contribute to obtaining essential nutrients and discuss some useful recommendations. 

 Protein Champion: Protein can be said as the king of the nutrients especially when it comes to the building and development of muscles. The high protein category belongs to red meat where people can surely get a significant amount of protein in their plate. The ery=$(Paper yet to be checked by Grammly. com )even though a serving of lean beef is only 3 ounces, it contains an amazing 25 grams of protein which can work to construct muscle tissue after weight training exercises. This is beneficial when gobbling food that will help you add weight in a muscular way. 

 Beyond Protein: But beef isn’t just packed with protein power, making a steak or roast beef, it’s a wholesale power food.  It is a good sources of creatine, which is a molecule that muscles use for generating energy in short-term activities which includes exercises . Moreover, red meat is also a carrier of the iron which is a useful mineral for transporting oxygen throughout the body.

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Smart Choices, Savvy Consumption: It is, nevertheless, pertinent to note that there are advantages of consuming red meat but at the same time the necessary amount of saturated fat should not be exceeded. Choose thin slices in case the choice is available, this would include flank steak, sirloin tip, or top round roast. These cuts are of course leaner in the fat department but pack a nice dose of protein. 

 Moderation is Key:  It is advisable to take red meat occasionally, and this is defined to be a maximum of one to two portions in a week, due to the high amounts of saturated fats contained in the meal. As such, you gain the protein and other nutrients to your benefit, equally avoiding extra and unhealthy fat. 

Culinary Canvas: Red meat is delicious and in culinary terms, it is quite versatile. From simple grills such as steaks, ground beef, to tasty, juicy lamb chops and mouth-watering stews, the options are unlimited. Try barbecuing, roasting, baking, or slow cooking to get to know more options of including red meat in your diets. 

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 Meaning that the choice of red meat in moderation and good choices will be an asset in your weight gain plan. So, do not have red meat without other forms of protein and a myriad of nutrient-dense foods to provide energy to your body and help you get fit.

Chicken and Turkey: protein food for Weight Gain

Chicken and turkey are well-known kings of protein royalty giving you a flexible and quality protein to add into your weight gain process. These poultry staples are not only tasty but also contain big portions of protein that are quite useful for muscle mass creation. 

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 The Power of Lean Protein: Chicken and turkey overshadow red meat as lean sources of protein, mainly due to their fat content. For example, plain steamed chicken or turkey breast contains a whopping 25 grams of protein per 3-ounce serving (170). Providing muscles with the nutrients your body needs to repair tissue broken down during a strength training session, this protein will help you gain weight in an anabolic or muscular way.

 Versatility Reigns Supreme:  The benefits of chicken and turkey are almost limitless and certainly one of the biggest benefits is that this type of meat is incredibly versatile. They can be used in practically innumerable meals, therefore they can fit easily into any given daily meal plan. Not just the bre bre but, there are even stir-fries and salad, casseroles and grilled breast and a lot more. Such versatility of the preparations in the kitchen helps make your meals stand out and does not let you get bored of some particular proteins thus can continue including it into your nutrition plan. 


 Minimizing Fat Intake:  Here again one must be careful of fat content even though chicken and turkey are considered to be, in most part lean. In this case, it is preferred to avoid fat by using the skinless, boneless parts. Also, do not forget about the types of cooking and about the temperatures that are safe for food to be cooked. Some of the techniques that can also be used to prepare chicken and turkey without adding much fat include baking, grilling, poaching and steaming. 

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 Beyond the Breast:  Do not restrict yourself solely to eating the white meat of chicken and turkey. Thighs and drumsticks are other types of cuts, and they are rich in fat; however, they can be consumed occasionally and in moderation. However, do not overindulge in the servings of these cuts. 


A World of Flavour:  Any kind of poultry particularly chicken and turkey are blank cheques that easily-dialogue the flavours which they are cooked with. Try out different marinated, spiced, herbed and saucy to make your foods melodious to the taste buds. This means that you can quickly look at a world of culinary versatility without having to leave the protein game plan. close-up-view-delicious-thanksgiving-turkey_23-2148686228-300x200 Top 10 protein foods for weight gain

 By adding chicken and turkey to your diet, you will achieve your weight gain objectives proficiently. Their adaptability, low fat/protein composition, and immeasurable combinations of spices’ reason why they are indispensable in your muscle-packaging plan. As always, moderation is the key here – embrace various ways of preparing these foods, seasonal changes in spices and with the right approach use these foods to add on weight in the most healthy way possible while also incorporating other nutrient dense foods into your diet. 

 Eggs(protein food for weight gain)

Eggs are literally like a gold medal in the weight gaining competition. Not only are they pocket-friendly and easy to come by, but they are also loaded with protein, and that puts them in the category of protein-rich foods, containing all the proteins that your body requires in a given day. So, the beverage is going to start with the exploration of the rationale for including eggs in your diet. 

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 Protein Perfection:  In the case of muscle building there is no single nutrient that can match the importance of protein. Protein nutrition is also bumped up, as there are 6 grams of protein in a large egg making it a cheap and efficient way to consume your protein. This protein acts as a source of parts that your body requires to reconstruct muscle tissue after the workout sessions that involve strength training, thus helping you gain weight, but in a positive manner that targets muscle mass. 


 Complete Protein Power:  Whereas some sources of protein are incomplete, eggs for instance are complete proteins. This implies that they consist of all the nine unreplaceable amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. These are the body’s must-have amino acids vital for the formation and sustenance of muscle mass thus making eggs an important commodity to have when trying to put on some weight. 


 Budget-Friendly Champion:  Eggs considered to be one of the cheapest sources of protein of high biological value. Due to this they are a cheap product ideal for anyone interested in taking protein supplements in order to boost the intake of proteins in their systems. 

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 Whole Egg Advantage: Egg whites are especially promoted for their protein and lack of fat but consuming whole eggs have more advantages. Basically, yolks are rich in fat, vitamins, and minerals that are healthy for the body and the brain in particular. Thus, whole eggs should be consumed in order to notice all the health benefits from them. 

 Versatility Reigns Supreme:  There is no doubt that eggs are one of the most useful products to compose a dish of any meal. From bacon and egg scramble to omelets whether for breakfast or lunch, to tasty protein omelets whether for dinner. This cooking leniency makes it easy to incorporate eggs into your diet in various forms, thus making the meals… interesting. 

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When you incorporate eggs into your meal plan, it means that you are using a cheap source of a powerful muscle construct luxury. Do not forget that moderation is the name of the game in all these tactics. Branch out and try various cooking techniques when reintroducing eggs into your diet and also include other healthy and weight gaining foods into your diet. 


Greek Yogurt:  Creamy Protein food for Weight Gain

It is a known fact that Greek yogurt is not only tasty but also beneficial when it comes to regimens of gaining weight. The tasty specimen in this case has a higher content of protein than regular yogurt and contains a lot less sugar, which makes it ideal for muscle creation and healthy eating.

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Protein Packed: It is able to excel in one area, which is the high protein content of Greek yogurt. You get roughly about 17-20 grams of protein per 6-ounce serving of plain Greek yogurt. This protein delivers the bare need which your body requires to build new muscles and repair damaged ones after weight training hence fulfilling your weight gain ambition in the most appropriate manner.

Less Sugar, More Satisfaction:  Normal yogurt may contain sugar which can be added, although yogurt that is low in sugar is better for your health. Unlike the usual yogurt, the Greek one usually contains less sugar. This makes it considerably less hazardous to one’s waistline while at the same time being just as creamy. You can go further with the sugar controlling by choosing the plain Greek yogurt and adding sweetener by fruits or honey only.

Versatility at its Finest:  More to the fact that Greek yogurt is creamy with a less intervention of flavour making it a versatile ingredient when it comes to cooking. Try it neat, to get a protein fix, or mix it up

Here are some ideas:


  • Breakfast Powerhouse: Greek yogurt should best be taken with fresh berries made fresh granola and lastly a drizzle of honey to enhance health and taste in the morning. 
  •  Post-Workout Snack: Get a banana and peanut butter parfait after your workout routine, it consists of Greek yogurt , banana and peanut butter. 
  •  Savory Delight: Instead, attempt to wash your pallet by putting a spoonful of Greek yogurt into a bowl with your chopped herbs, cucumbers, a dash of black pepper and then whisk together with a spoon to make a dip for raw veggies.
  • Greek Yogurt on the Go:  Thus, Greek yogurt can be described as a great snack item, as it is easy to transport from one place to another. Store your yogurt in a single portion container or divide it into smaller containers with your ideal toppings for consumption in the course of the day; yogurt is a protein product, thus would prove ideal for snacking. 

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 When you make use of Greek yogurt, you are not only satisfying your palate but are also moisturizing your muscles with the best provisions by consuming freely of higher protein and little and controlled sugars. In the light of the above observations, it is important to suggest that; ‘better part is that moderation is now the word’. Try using different mixes of flavors and sweeteners and other products and have Greek yogurt with other healthy foods that can help in weight gain.


Cottage Cheese: The Versatile Protein Champion for Weight Gain

Cottage cheese is generally not considered very fancy but it has more protein than you can imagine! Here is the low-fat champ of them all and it comes with a protein composition that separates it from the rest in terms of its role in your weight gain plan. It is now time to look at some advantages of cottage cheese and how you can use it as a healthy food component. 

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 Lean Protein Powerhouse: Cottage cheese has the added advantage compared to some other cheeses in containing significant amounts of protein and at the same time it is low in fat. A serving cup of cottage cheese which is 226 grams provides about 14 grams of protein and is suitable for those cutting on fat intake. This protein supplies your body with the component that can construct the muscles hence help you in gaining weight in the right manner especially after strength training. 

 Casein for Sustained Growth:  Among the peculiarities of cottage cheese it is necessary to mention the appearance of casein. The protein in casein is not rapidly digested, therefore it always releases the amino acids into the bloodstream in a steady process. It can especially be useful in support of muscle mass gains and protection of muscle tissue from catabolism all through a day. glass-bowl-with-cottage-cheese-cream-wooden-vintage-white-table_94064-973-300x225 Top 10 protein foods for weight gain


 Versatility Reigns Supreme:  Because cottage cheese has little taste and is very creamy, it can easily be incorporated into most dishes. It can be eaten plain which is a filling snack for a boost in protein, or it can be everyone’s favorite!


 Here are some ideas: 


  •  Breakfast Delight: This is a yummy and protein-fused bowl of cottage cheese, cut fruits and a pinch of granola for breakfast. 
  •  Post-Workout Snack: Make cottage cheese, banana and spinach with a hint of honey which serves as a good snack after a rigorous workout session. 
  •  Savory Sensation: Combine boiled and crushed cottage cheese with chopped beans, carrots, onions, parsley, green and black olives, lemon juice and black pepper and enjoy it with raw carrots, cucumbers, beans and parsley for increase of the protein needed and tasty and healthy snack. 
  •  Power Up Your Pancakes: For an added effect you can mix a scoop of cottage cheese to your pancake mixture to give the pancake more protein and a lighter texture. 
  • Cottage Cheese on the Go:  Just like Greek yogurt cottage cheese is easy to pack and consume and as such makes for a good snack especially to those with tight schedules. Take a small bowl or divide the cottage cheese into single or multiple serving bowls with your desired garnishes you wish to take all day as a protein-packed snack. 


 Adding cottage cheese into your diet will let you include a tasty protein food that offers a bonus for Muscle building – slow-digesting casein protein. Nevertheless, the fundamental principle to stick to is moderation. Try different variations of the cottage cheese with the desired flavors and extra toppings, and have it with other healthy foods to balance the diet and gain weight. 


Legume protein food : Lentils and Beans for Plant-Based Weight Gain

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Searching for something plant-based with protein value to organize your weight gain plan? Who can become your best assistants in the kitchen and at the same time have numerous health benefits? Of course, lentils and beans. These skinny exteriors are packed with nutrients that would make them a perfect partner for your muscle-gaining diet plan. 


 Protein Powder on Plants:  Lentils and beans are kings and queens of plastic or plant-Based proteins, you might say. A cup of cooked lentils provides 18 gm of protein and beans provides a range of 15-20 gm protein depending on the type. The macro nutrient present in this protein offers the fundamental nutrients needed by the body to put back the broken down muscles thus aiding your weight gain goal in that it has the muscle mass gain aspect covered. 


 Fiber for Fullness:  But besides proteins, lentils and beans have a very high fiber content. The good thing with this dietary fiber is that it helps you to balance your appetite and be full for quite some time, hence coming in handy when one wants to diet and ensure that they take enough calories to help them gain weight. 

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 Variety is the Spice of Life:  Lentil and beans is quite an interesting bowl of play of colors, texture and various taste buds. Starting from small brown lentils and Kidney beans to black beans and chickpeas indeed there is something for everyone. It helps to limit the chances of getting bored with the meal and also provides a window into a sphere of opportunities that can currently include some quarter of a million different meals, or even more. 

Nutrient-Rich Bounty: As for the other pulses, that is lentils and beans, there are vitamins and minerals which are required to be taken in the body. It is enriched with iron, folate, potassium, and magnesium all of which are useful for the body and involved in body functions. 

Incorporating Legumes: It can therefore be concluded that beauty of lentils and beans lend themselves in the ability to bend.

Here are some ideas to integrate them into your diet: 

    • Hearty Soups and Stews: Lentils and beans are the core to tasty and very nutritious soup and stew dishes. 
    •  Power Up Salads: You may include cooked lentils or beans in your salads to provide protein and make them a full meal. 
    •  Burger Builders: I mashed cooked lentils or beans; this forms a great base for making protein-rich veggie burger patties . 
    •  Taco Twists: Substitute the ground meat with lentils or beans in your tacos for a vegan meal if you wish to. 

 The following shows that by taking the lentils and beans, you will be opening a new realm of the plant-based protein, fiber, and other nutrients. Always ensure that you get it right in the middle because moderation is the name of the game. Try different types, taste different combinations and lentils and beans together with other weight gaining protein foods. 


Milk:  Powerhouse for Weight Gain Journey

Oh no, guess who said that milk is only good for children, they are wrong because milk is also an excellent investment for your weight gain! .This readily available beverage means you can get your protein fix while at it, you will equally enjoy carbohydrates and healthy fats. However, not a few wonder why milk should be included in your muscle building diet plan.

Protein food on the Go:  Surprisingly, one cup of milk has about 8 grams of protein as well and is considered as a source of protein food . This protein will offer your body the necessary materials for repair and build of the muscles following strength training hence that body weight gain you desire in a positive and healthy manner. In addition, milk is a good source of protein, by this I mean it provides all the nine essential amino acids that cannot be produced by your body.

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Carb and Fat Considerations (protein food):  Milk contains carbohydrates and such a healthy fat that can make it an excellent option when one is choosing a beverage to take. While some could decide to take low-fat milk so that she is able to monitor her fats’ consumption, it is advisable to consume whole milk in case one wants to gain some weight. Whole milk also has extra calories and healthy fat to help in the creation of a positive caloric balance for muscles. But if you are keen on calories and fats, then low fat milk can still be included due to its protein factor.

Beyond Protein food :  Milk is not just about protein food but also many other aspects in this soap opera. The food contains calcium which is good for the bone and Vitamin D which contributes to the muscle. Further, milk contains several other essential nutrients also which are beneficial for the body and enriching the total health.

Versatility Reigns Supreme:  That only goes on to show the convenience of the product because with milk, the option of preparing a meal is endless. Here are some ideas:soy-milk-soy-food-beverage-products-food-nutrition-concept_1150-26333-200x300 Top 10 protein foods for weight gain

Post-Workout Boost: As a sandwich you can take a glass of cold milk after every session to supplement on proteins and carbohydrates for muscle repair.

Breakfast on the Go: Blitz up a protein shake by using milk and banana, together with a scoop of your protein supplement to act as your breakfast in the morning. 

 Cereal Power Up: Take whole-grain cereal and turn it into a protein and carbohydrate packed breakfast with a glass of milk. 

 Culinary Canvas: Milk is used in most recipes starting from delicious puddings, smoothies, cheeses in pasta and even the beautifully made protein-rich pancakes. 

 Choose Your Milk(protein food):  Both whole milk for the extra calories and nutrients or low fat milk for only slightly less fat than whole is a good way to get in more protein. You can even go a notch higher and order for soy or lactose milk if you have special diets. 


 When taking milk as your source of protein you will also get carbohydrates, health fats, and essential vitamins and minerals with the extra advantage of flexibility. Just as a general reminder, everything has a balance, and when it comes to working, it is no different. Find out the various kinds of milk and include them as some of the foods that can help regain the lost weight. 


Protein Powders: Boost for Weight Gain 

Whey and casein protein powders can be rather beneficial while performing the work of weight gain. It has a recommended convenience and a fast way of increasing the quantity of protein food that can get to the body particularly after a workout session. However, they are not a cure for getting muscles and strength, if included in the training schedule and nutrition intake appropriately. 

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 Convenience Reigns Supreme: To a certain extent, they use protein powders where one particularity of them is that they are very practical. They are contained in the flavored production and they are ideal for use in solution with water or milk; they are versatile and can be used in such a way that they are incorporated in preparations such as milk shakes, yogurt baked goods and parfaits. Thus, one is in a position to augment the amount of protein consumed per a given day despite having a busy schedule of the day. 


 Post-Workout Power: As necessary and effective as the (protein food )powders are, the protein powders are best taken after a workout. And that is why, it is beneficial to have a high quality protein shake after strength training because it is said that if you drink a protein shake within half an hour of the training the muscles check into your system with the amino acids to start the repair or even add muscle. 


 Whey vs.  Casein: It is also good to classify whey protein as a fast digesting protein which is why it is more appropriate to consume the product after a workout. The fourth type of protein is casein protein that is slowly digested. This makes it also release slow – release amino acids and this is useful before sleeping or in between meals to prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue. 

 Quality Matters: When choosing the protein powders, they should be the best quality though they may be expensive. Choose those brands known to offer third-party certificates as a way of proving the standard and quality of the product. It is advisable to reduce as much as possible the consumption of foods containing a lot of sugar and filler materials. 

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 Not a Replacement: All of these additives are loose and protein powders, they are not food and they do not contain real protein. In an ideal world, it is advisable to make your meals and be on a protein diet which entails; lean meats, fish, eggs and dairy products. The following foods and food powders can help you fill in the gap and help you get all your protein food intake through the day. 


Work with a Professional: This may be the best to discuss with a healthcare professional or from a registered dietitian. This can then help in determining if protein powders are healthy for you and the kind and quantity of protein powder that is in a relation with the extent of weight gain that is desired. 

 Remember: Protein powders indeed add on to the list of handy products, however, they should not replace any whole foods and if the intent is to gain weight specifically with acquisition of muscles then along with these powders strenuous strength training is necessary. 



Nuts and Nut Butters: protein food for Weight Gain

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Nuts and nut butters are mini-bubbles of great nutrition because they are packed with protein, calorie and healthy fat that will be so useful in the weight gain process. This is easily one of the most delicious and convenient sources of nutrients in existence for assisting with your muscular gains agenda. 

 Protein  food : This food group is particularly rich in protein; nuts and nut butters. An ounce of almonds has 6 grams of proteins while one tablespoon of peanut butter contains 8 grams of protein. It is a protein that is crucial in fulfilling your body’s requirements of amino acids for muscle tissue replacement after intensity training, thus promoting efficient weight gain in the right manner. 

 Healthy Fat Power: Apart from protein food , nuts and nut butters contain the good kind of fats that are good for the body. These fats make one have a tendency of feeling full for a long period of time and at the same time are sources of long term energy to the body. Also, consumption of nuts provides adequate amounts of healthy fats to the body besides helping in improving the health of the heart and possibly regulating the blood sugar. 

 Calorie Content Matters: What is more, it should be pointed out that nuts and nut butters are high in calories. This is good in an effort to gain some weight, but again should be taken in moderation. Some nuts or a spoon of nut butter is well balanced in terms of portion size for having the nutrient benefits without consuming too many calories for the day. organic-nuts-snack-bowls-wooden-board_23-2148675537-200x300 Top 10 protein foods for weight gain

 Unsalted for Sodium Control:  When selecting nuts and nut butters, it is recommended to go for the un-salted kinds. This also enables you to regulate the amount of sodium that is taken by your body while at the same time satisfying your particular diet. Normal nut butters contain lots of hidden sodium; therefore, unsalted kinds deliver better control over that element. 

 Versatility Reigns Supreme: Along with seeds, nuts and nut butters are foods that can easily be incorporated into a wide variety of recipes. Here are some ways to incorporate them into your diet

Here are some ways to incorporate them into your diet: 

  • Snack Time Power(protein food ): It is advisable to take an amount, which cannot be likened to a handful of nuts or two tablespoons of nut butter with an apple, as a protein containing snack.
  • Trail Mix Magic: We go to buy the nuts, seeds, and dried fruits to make for ourselves a trail mix for an Out of the Ordinary and Energizing Snack.
  •  Smoothie Booster: Add a scoop of nut butter to your protein smoothie to increase the protein, the healthy fat and taste of the smoothie. 
  •  Baking Delight: When baking, prefer replacing the use and amounts of butter by nut butters in your muffin, cookies or even the brownies. 
  •  A Nutty Adventure: Gather more information concerning nuts and all possible information there is to say about nut butters. Beginning from the almonds, cashew, and peanut up to the walnut, pecan, and macadamia nut, every type of nuts differs in their tendencies of flavour and nutritive content. Discover your own list! 

 Nuts and nut butters will also introduce variety and portability to the diet plan for weight gain as well as protein food , fats, and necessary calories. It should also be noted here that this therapy is all about moderation. It is good not to over eat and foods with salts should not be taken but it is allowable to take nuts among many others for achieving better weights among other protein food. 


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