Benefits of banana juice for health

banana -juice

Rich Potassium


Heart Health: banana juice  also performs an essential function in the right functioning of the heart potassium is as a consequence critical in blood stress law. It contributes to the control of blood strain as it controls the tiers of sodium within the frame and consequently, the prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases are minimized.

Muscle Function:( banana juice )The consumption of potassium helps in preventing muscle cramps and strengthening muscular tissues and so, banana juice acts as the correct drink after an exercising session.

Untitled-design-29-300x157 Benefits of banana juice for health

 Good Source of Energy


Natural Sugars: Bananas are clearly rich in fructose, glucose as well as sucrose, making them elicit an power excessive surge as well as a steady power release. This makes banana juice an ideal beverage to take for anyone mainly at some point of activities while one may additionally require greater electricity to workout or do a strenuous activity.

How to make banana juice

Carbohydrates: Bananas are rich assets of carbohydrates that can be easily metabolized and are able to immediately fuel sports whether they be bodily or intellectual.


(Banana juice ) Supports Digestive Healthbanana-juice-200x300 Benefits of banana juice for health


Dietary Fiber: Bananas are composed of nutritional fiber, with a bigger share of soluble fiber that’s critical in improving digestive devices by reducing incidences of constipation.

Prebiotic Properties: Bananas incorporate prebiotic fibers that are crucial for the digestion system due to the fact they feed the good microorganism in our stomach and help them to detoxify our frame more effectively.


Enhances Skin Health


Vitamins and Antioxidants: Bananas are filled with vitamins A, C, E as well as antioxidants that assist the skin to guard against free radicals’ damage thus giving it a more youthful look and healthier appearance.

Hydration: The high water content present in banana juice helps to keep your skin hydrated which prevents drying out (is key to maintaining elasticity)and so on.

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Supports Weight Management


Satiety: If you want to reduce your overall intake of calories therefore consider eating fibrous bananas for a longer  period of satiety which helps cut down on sandwiches every other hour while enhancing weight management at the same time.

Low Calorie: Although they are sweet, most bananas do not have any calories meaning that using them make banana juice a great benefits and tasting drink with few calories.



I hope you like our article and  you learn the recipe of banana juice and its benefits for health .If you like this type of recipe, read our article and give your reviews in the comment box and if you have any question leave in the comment  box .

What is the nutritional value of banana juice?

The common nutrients that can be found within the banana juice include carbohydrates, vitamins for instance vitamin C or B6, minerals like potassium, fiber among others. The nutritional value may also vary due to its preparation and other other ingredients that are included while preparing it.

Does blending a banana increase sugar?

Another common misconception that many people have is that when blending a banana, it immediately becomes sweet because the fruit is sweet; this is a fallacy since blending does not add sugar. However, it unilateral breakdown of the fibers in order to allow for faster uptake of the sugar in the blood

Which time is best to drink banana shake?

Ideally, banana smoothie must be taken in the morning when the fruits are being taken or before/after exercising. This is because it provides a perfect start for the day and the required nutrition after consuming energy in the morning or in gym.

Do bananas lose nutrients as they ripen?

It is thus a myth that bananas become nutrient depleted as they grow ripe for consumption since they only lose a small proportion of these compounds. Some of these nutrients include Vitamin C. However, they also become ‘friendlier’ to the body and their antioxidant contents may rise.

Is blending bananas healthy?

Yes blending bananas is good for health because it makes the fruit consumable in a different way and can aid in its digestion but do take note of the total sugar content especially when using it alongside other high sugar fruits or sweeteners.

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