Carrots: benefits and nutrients facts || carrot juice recipe

Carrots: benefits and nutrients facts || carrot juice recipe


“Embrace the golden hues of summer with the sweet crunch of carrots, a humble root that nourishes the soul and brightens every meal.”


Carrots are not only vital in salads and vegetable soups but they are also nutrition rich and can be used in a number of dishes. This tasty and colourful root with sweet and crispy texture is a nutritional powerhouse and full of interesting facts. Here are the facts that tell you why carrots have become such a popular vegetable to use and tell you about the health benefits of carrots .


Rich in Nutrients: 

Carrots are rich in some very important nutrients that are required by the body. A cup is adequate to offer more than 200% of the vitamin A content needed in the body on a daily basis. It also represents vitamin K1 that regulates bone and blood clotting, potassium for cardiovascular and muscular systems’ health, and antioxidants like beta-carotene that supports against oxidative damage. 

Improves Vision:

 Carrots are well known to contain vitamins that specially the eyes mainly because of beta carotene. Beta carotene on the other hand is stored in the liver and converted into vitamin A and vitamin A on the other part is converted to purple rhodopsin in the retina to enable night vision. Carrots are one of the most important foods that can go to the eyes; they contribute toward preventing cataract and helping in defeating AMD or common old age problem of eyes known as macular degeneration.

Boosts Immunity:

 Carrots being endowed with different antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene-a type of carotene makes the immune system build up of white blood cells due to the shield they provide to the cells. The body is thus made stronger to fight infections and diseases because the levels of the antibodies are now higher.

Supports Digestive Health:

 Carrots are sources of dietary fibres, getting a cup of them containing about 3. 6 grams. Fibre is a critical factor regarding bowel health. This makes the stool bulky and aids his passage through the large intestine and relieves constipation, also aids the good bacteria in the gut to flourish.

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 Promotes Heart Health:

 Other minerals in carrots include Potassium which assists in regulation of sodium in the body hence, blood pressure and also causes the blood vessels to relax. Also, carrot is rich in fibre which assists in reducing cholesterol thus the possibility of contracting heart diseases. 

 Enhances Skin Health:

 Green elements found in carrots have substances that could shield the skin from the harsh effects of the UV radiation and pollution. Moreover, it is involved in the skin health and texture to make the skin look smoother and that special bright-orange colour. 

Aids in Weight Loss: 

Carrots are low in calories, initially with 95% of its water content, thus it is an effective tool to combat hunger. Carrots are also composed of fibre; thus, they assist in keeping a full stomach – assisting in weight loss. 

Reduces Cancer Risk: 

Numerous epidemiological and experimental investigations have implicated the antioxidants of carrots particularly beta-carotene to assist in reducing the risks of some cancer including lung, colon and prostate cancers. These compounds assist in the prevention of free radicals that are capable of attacking the cells resulting in cancer. 

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 Regulates Blood Sugar: 

This is however not the case with carrots, though they taste sweet, they are known to register a slow and steady increase of the blood sugar levels. That positions them as suitable for consumption by persons with diabetes or consumers with similar conditions. 

 Strengthens Bones:

 Carrots contain vitamin K for the proper bone formation and contain low levels of calcium and phosphorus, for enhanced bones and teeth. Vitamin K is involved in the process of bone formation as for calcium and phosphorus, they are the major structuring components of bone.

Carrots juice recipe : how to make carrots juice 


  • 4-5 medium-sized carrots


  • Juicer (or blender and fine mesh sieve/cheesecloth)
  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Peeler (optional, but recommended)
  • Glass or jug for serving


1:Wash: Wash 4-5 average carrots with cool water. 

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2: Peel: First of all, using a peeler, take the outer skin off the carrots.  

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3; Cut: Carrots should be chopped into small rings or a puree should alternatively be made from them.  

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5: Juice: Squeeze the juices out of the piece of carrot using a juicer. If you are using a blender, blend the carrot pieces with a little amount of water and later on, pass through a fine strainer or colander or cheese cloth. 

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6: Serve: Drink the juice in the glass and consume it as fast as possible.

 Carrots: benefits and nutrients facts || carrot juice recipe

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Nutrients  in carrot

Nutrient Amount (per 100g)
Calories 41 kcal
Water 88%
Protein 0.9 g
Carbohydrates 9.6 g
Sugars 4.7 g
Dietary Fiber 2.8 g
Fat 0.2 g
Vitamin A 835 µg (93% DV)
Vitamin C 5.9 mg (7% DV)
Vitamin K 13.2 µg (11% DV)
Potassium 320 mg (7% DV)
Calcium 33 mg (3% DV)
Magnesium 12 mg (3% DV)
Iron 0.6 mg (8% DV)



 Carrots can be considered as one of the most wonderful vegetables with variegated uses in the daily menu and impressive heath-boosting properties. Nutrient-dense food items like vitamin A, fibre, anti-oxidants, and minerals that are good for vision, increases immunity, proper digestion and a fine heart health. Carrots are also good for skin, aid in weight loss programs and it is also believed that it has some anti-cancer properties. 


 These can be eaten as they are for a quick snack or prepared in a myriad of ways and incorporated into your meals plan. The bright colourful, sweet yet crunchy hairs that grow underground have not only a healthy purpose but are also a feast for the eyes and teeth. A stable inclusion of carrots in one’s lifestyle will help improve health and bring out the vigour in everyone.


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