Cranberry Juice 101 : Health Benefits, Recipe, and facts


Cranberry juice is Healthy and delicious beverages  that makes your body stronger and helps in regular bowel movements. In this blog we will tell you how to make cranberry juice easily at home in just a few steps.

How to make cranberry juice ?

orange juice recipe 

grapes juice recipe 

banana juice recipe 

water melon juice recipe 

lemon water juice recipe 


  • Fresh cranberries: 2 cups
  • Water: 4 cups
  • Sugar or honey: to taste
  • Lemon juice: 2 tablespoons (optional)
  • Ice cubes: as needed

step no 1 : Preparing the Cranberries

First, wash the fresh cranberries thoroughly to remove any dirt and impurities.

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step no 2: The process of boiling

Put four cups of water in a large pot and add the cranberry  to it, let the water boil and when the water starts to boil, cook it on medium heat for five to ten minutes.

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step no 3: Extracting cranberry juice

When the canaries become soft, their colour will be dark red.

Use a strainer to separate the cranberries from the water and press them to extract all the juice. 

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  step no 4:   Adding Sweetener

To extract the juice, add sugar or honey and blend until it dissolves.

You can even add lemon juice if you want the food to be sour.

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step no 5: Serving

Fill glasses with cold cranberry- juice,.

For a refreshing touch, you can sprinkle the juice with fresh mint leaves.

video of cranberry juice recipe 

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Nutrients facts in cranberry juice

NutrientAmount per 100g
Calories46 kcal
Water87.32 g
Protein0.4 g
Total Fat0.1 g
Carbohydrates12.2 g
Dietary Fiber4.6 g
Sugars4.0 g
Vitamin C14.0 mg
Vitamin E1.2 mg
Vitamin K5.1 µg
Vitamin A3 IU
Calcium8 mg
Iron0.25 mg
Magnesium6 mg
Phosphorus11 mg
Potassium80 mg
Sodium2 mg
Zinc0.1 mg

Benefits of drinking cranberry juice

orange juice benefits 

banana juice benefits 

cucumber juice benefits 

apple juice benefits

apricot juice benefits 

Cranberry juice support  Urinary Tract Health 

 Cranberry- juice came into the list of the folk remedies that effectively protect against the growth of the UTIs. It’s got some chemicals referred to as flavonoids or Proanthocyanidins   that would make certain that bacteria don’t adhere to the walls of the urinary area. 

 Cranberry juice  Rich in Antioxidants 

 Cranberries contain antioxidants , vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and phytochemicals. Thus, these antioxidants assist in the reduction of oxidative stress in combination with inflammation, which is the process of free radicals neutralization. 

 Cranberry-juice support  Heart Health

 Surveys and some researchers have suggested that it is actually beneficial to regularly take cranberry juice for the heart. It has a part to play in the gaining of the pliability of blood vessels, raises cholesterol levels and helps in the treatment of hypertension hence boosting the well-being of the heart.

 Cranberry-juice  Immune System Support

 Vitamin C, that is available in great abundance in cranberry juice, is good for the immune system reportedly because it is said to help enhance both the proliferation and efficiency of the white blood corpuscles. 

 Cranberry juice support Digestive Health

 Concerning digestion, cranberry juice helps to prevent such bacteria found in stomach and bowels from multiplying further. It also may decrease the likelihood of getting ulcers in the stomach and categories of gastrointestinal infections. 

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Cranberry juice support Anti-inflammatory Properties

Outcomes beneficial from cranberries one function is the decrease of inflammation that happens in the whole body. This appears to be particularly beneficial for persons experiencing chronic inflammation, as described in the arab world pro Aids maps Chronic inflammation is unhealthy for the body, not only does it lead to instances such as weight gain and pain, it also greatly interacts with the immune system of the body. 

 Cranberry-juice support Skin Health

cranberry juice play a role in skin health because they are said to replenish the skin with necessary nutrients and aid in the repair of the skin’s elasticity, thus preventing wrinkles and acne: It mainly also comprises a plethora of colourful pictures and cartoons which as a rule are accompanied by text, 

 Cranberry-juice support Weight Management

 Cranberry- juice has very low calorie and therefore advisable to be consumed when one is on a diet or wants to shed some few pounds. Thus, it can be sweated naturally without involving many calories, which the sweetened drinks include. 

 Cranberry-juice support Oral Health

 Lack of substantial research evidence proves that cranberry juice can be taken as a method of preventing bacteria from sticking to teeth and the gum line in a bid to avoid formation of cavities and gum diseases. 

 Cranberry juice Prevent of Certain Cancers

 A number of studies: suggest that some phytochemicals in cranberries might potentially prevent the occurrence of cancer cells and certain types of cancer such as colon, prostate, and breast cancer. 

Tips for Consumption 

  1. To have more gains out of the cranberry -juice, ensure that the one you take is the one hundred percent cranberry juice- not mixed with sugar. 
  2.  However, it is recommended to use it moderately because the consumption of large amounts at a time may lead to stomach upsets or might affect some drugs in a negative way. 
  3.   Thus, by taking cranberry juice, you are able to receive those numerous health benefits and also to include a pleasant and more healthy inclusion into your dietary regime.

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Cranberry juice is also known to have a lot of health benefits ranging from UTI’s, boosting the immune system, cardiovascular diseases among others. Ingesting cranberry juice and consuming cranberry products regularly has many health benefits as it is revealed above however, you engoy homemade cranberry juice without the added sugars.

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