Easy apple juice recipe step by step

easy -apple-juice-recipe

Apple juice  recipe is very easy to make, it is prepared in a few steps, you just need some fresh  apple apple pieces  ,pure water and sugar and it can be ready in five minutes. This drink is not only good in taste, but it is rich in many nutrients, it contains many vitamins and minerals that are very important for human health. You can also make it at home very easily.



  • Juicer or blender 
  • Knife 
  • Cutting board 
  • Strainer 


orange juice recipe 

banana juice recipe 

grapes juice recipe 

cherry juice recipe 

apricot juice recipe 

Prepare the Apples

Wash the apple thoroughly to remove all dirt and bacteria  and cut it into small pieces with the help of a knife. You can also remove the skin of an apple .

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Juicing with a Juicer

  •  Now we put the chopped apple pieces in the juicer and run the juicer. 
  • Add some water (2 -3 cups) 
  •  You can also add  few drops of lemon juice to the apple juice to make it taste better

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Juicing with a Blender

And if using an up blender, put the pieces in the blender with small amount of water (2-3)cups  and turn the blender on high speed to blend smoothly

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Sweeten and Adjust

Taste  apple- juice and mix in the sweetener of your choice. Stir well.

 If the juice is too thick you can add a little water to thin it out to the consistency that you desire.


Strainer to pour mixture 

Pour the blended mixture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a bowl or pitcher. 

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Chill and Serve

Keep it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and cool it well and then serve it. 

The apple juice should be served chilled, and you now have your homemade apple juice ready to be enjoyed.

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Note :

You can also try adding other fruits/spices of your choice to get a different taste.

Health Benefits of apple juice 

Apple- juice  Rich in Nutrients 

 Few nutrients which can be found in the apple juice include vitamins, especially vitamin C, minerals especially potassium and some antioxidants. The nutrients are highly significant or in other words, fundamental in defining the health of the body. 


Apple -juice is source of  Hydration 

 Apple juice contains  90% water and this means that whenever you take apple juice you will be meeting your body’s requirement of water. In others we say it is good source of hydration in the body . Hydration helps in several activities in the human body such as digestion, circulation and regulating body temperature.

Apple juice has  Antioxidant Properties 

 Apple- juice is rich in Flavonoids and polyphenol that have antioxidants which assists the body in protection of such conditions like oxidation that causes diseases such as heart diseases and cancer. 

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Apple- juice support Heart Health 

 Apple- juice has potassium for the blood pressure which is important for the heart . Also, as a result of drinking apple juice, it has impacts on the antioxidants that reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) for the cardiovascular system. 

Apple juice Improved Digestion 

 The type of fibre found in apple juice is the soluble fibre  known as pectin that is quite advantageous to digestion of food and the health of the stomach. It also can make constipation to be history since it acts as a means to enable passage of stool in a colon. 

Apple juice Boosts Immunity 

 Some of the nutrients present in apple juice including vitamin C has the ability of boosting the immunity hence the body’s power to fight diseases. 

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Apple juice help in Brain Health 

 The vitamins A and E found in the apple juice have other features that can also be beneficial to the brain whereby antioxidants are believed to have a protective role in the brain cells and in turn, lower chances of getting neuro-degenerative illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease. 

Apple juice support  Weight Management 

 Apple- juice also has natural sugar which is why it also should be taken in moderation but switching from sugary soda or other snacks with apple juice is good for the weight management plan. It can also facilitate the consumer to have a fuller feeling most of the time. 

Apple juice promote Skin Health 

 Drinking apple -juice will enable you to get the vitamins and antioxidants which are useful in the skin to fight the free radicals causing skin aging or skin damage. Taking apple -juice preserves the dermatological shine while giving youthful and glowing skin.



 Drinking apple- juice has many health benefits, it strengthens the immune system, healthy heart and skin etc. Just ensure it is taken fresh and unsweetened and taken in reasonable proportions in reciprocation to other good foods.

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