How to make orange juice ( Best Orange Juice Recipe )

orange -juice -recipe

fresh-orange-juice_144627-15737-300x200 How to make orange juice ( Best Orange Juice Recipe )


Ingredients for  orange juice  :

  • 4-6 fresh oranges (navel or Valencia oranges are great choices)
  • Ice cubes (optional)
  • sweetener (optional; honey or sugar can be used if you prefer a sweeter juice)



Prepare the Oranges :Untitled-design-20-300x157 How to make orange juice ( Best Orange Juice Recipe )

  • Thoroughly rinse the oranges under running water to eliminate dirt or pesticides.
  • Roll every orange on a firm surface using your hand palm to gently soften the fruit for easier juicing.
  • Slice the oranges horizontally in half.

 Juicing the Oranges: 

  •  However, if you have a manual juice squeezer, place half an orange on it and then apply pressure on it and twist. Repeat the above process on the rest of the halves. 
  •  If you are using an electric juicer, you ought to use the instructions given by the manufacturer for the extraction of the juice. 
  •  Or you can blend, I can assist you with the method depending on what you have. Squeeze the oranges and discard seeds and membranes and cut the oranges into smaller pieces. Process until You get a puree then sieve the mixture through a fine mesh sieve to remove the pulp. 
  • Sweetener (optional; honey or sugar can be used if you prefer a sweeter juice.
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Strain the juice: 

  •  Strain the freshly squeezed juice through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a pitcher, to get rid of any remaining pulp (optional). 


 Sweeten the Juice: 

  •  Sip the juice and if it is too sour, add sweetener to the juice. Stir with a spoon to dissolve the sweetener into the mixture. 


  •  If you prefer your juice cold, fill glasses with ice cubes if you have not decided on the type. 
  •  After that, pour the fresh orange juice into the glasses.
  •  If preferred, garnish using an orange slice or fresh mint leaves.  orange-juice-with-stick-slice-orange-fruit-leaves-isolated-white-background_1022157-8403-300x300 How to make orange juice ( Best Orange Juice Recipe )


  • It is suggested to consume it as soon as possible after preparing, given that taste will appear to be at its best; moreover, the sharpest nutrient benefit will be received

Read :

8 Benefits of drinking fresh orange juice for skin


  1.  Some lime or lemon juice can be added to get that extra lime or lemon flavuor. 
  2.  When consuming juice, do not take a lot of it if you prefer your juice with pulp. 
  3.  All the remaining fresh juice should be taken within two to three days at most after which it should be stored in an airtight container and refrigerated. 
  4.  Squeezed orange juice can help to inspire a person and also is a source of vitamin C and other necessary ingredients. It is advised to enjoy homemade orange juice

How can I make orange juice without a juicer?

.There are several techniques: Mix and Strain: Strip oranges, mix the segments, and strain through a fine lattice sifter or cheesecloth. Hand Crush: Roll oranges to relax them, cut down the middle, and physically press the juice out.

What should I look for when choosing oranges for juicing?

Assortment: Valencia, Navel, or Blood oranges are extraordinary decisions. Surface: Firm yet marginally yielding oranges. Weight: Heavier oranges regularly have more squeeze. Skin: Flimsy and smooth-cleaned oranges.

Do I need to peel the oranges before juicing?

Indeed, stripping the oranges prior to squeezing dodges sharpness from the strip influencing the flavor of the juice

What can I do to prevent my orange juice from being too tart?

Sugars: Add honey, sugar, or mix with a sweet natural product like apple or mango. Weakening: Blend in with water or a gentle seasoned juice. Balance: A touch of baking soft drink can assist with adjusting sharpness without adding pleasantness.

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