Plums :12 health benefits, nutrients facts and more



Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”– Hippocrates


Plums are one of the delicious and juicy fruits that people love to eat due to their sweet taste and flexibility in cooking, as well as being very nutritious to eat. Proactively, Plums are good for your health as they contain Vitamins, minerals and other useful anti-oxidants. The following are 12 unbelievable benefits of taking or eating plums, specifications on plum nutrition and other miscellaneous information. 


Health Benefits of plums

Rich in Nutrients 

 Plums contain a wealth of necessities in its body. A mid-sized plum holds around 30 calories and 8 grams total carbohydrates, of which 1 gram is fibre, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, potassium, copper and manganese. 

 Boosts Digestive Health

 Plums contain a high amount of fibre; hence, it is easily absorbed by the body and prevents constipation and bleeding. The most significant impact was observed in the gut health of the subjects and dried plums or prunes were particularly beneficial. 

 Supports Heart Health 

 Plums contain antioxidants and potassium, which is effective in controlling blood pressure and thus eliminate the possibility of several cardiovascular diseases. They also reduce cholesterol and place the heart in a healthier state. 

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Enhances Bone Health 

 The presence of vitamin K as well as varieties of antioxidants makes plums very vital assets to our bones. It is also believed that foods containing calcium can also prevent bone loss and decrease the chances of diseases such as osteoporosis. 

 Regulating the Level of Sugars 

The surprising fact is that, while being sweet, plums have a low glycemic index, so those with diabetes can take them. They have been shown to either lower the level of blood sugar or facilitate the use of insulin by the body.

Promotes Skin Health 

 They also contain vitamin C and antioxidants, which assist in fighting free radicals, thereby procuring ageless skin and elasticity. This gives the skin an improved and much younger appearance as compared to the skin before the treatment.

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Improves Vision 

 Plum have vitamin A and beta-carotene, that are regarded as important nutrient that assist in maintaining of eyesight. Some of the roles include preventing the development of age-related macular degeneration or any other eye complications. 

Boosts Immunity 

Plums, in particular, are endowed with vitamin C, which boosts the body’s natural immunity to diseases and illnesses.

Reduces Inflammation 

Plums contain polyphenols and antioxidants that have an inflammatory property, and this aspect may lower an individual’s susceptibility to certain diseases. 

Supports Weight Loss 

Plum, being low in calories but subsequently very rich in fibre, can help in cases where people are seeking to reduce their weight. It helps one to feel full for a longer time, thus avoiding instances where one is forced to take more fruits or (sugar-snap), which are unhealthy. 

Enhances Cognitive Function 

Plum help in the reduction of free radicals in the body, and this simply means that plums have antioxidants that can be beneficial and protective to the brain cells, thus enhancing memory and also minimizing the effects of any neurodegenerative illness. 

Fights Cancer 

 Anthocyanin and quercetin in plum were found to possess anti-cancer compounds Hence, the constituents of the skin possess certain anthocyanin and quercetin anti-cancer compounds. They assist in preventing the development of cancer cells and lower the chances of particular sorts of cancer. 

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 How to include Plums in Your Diet 

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Fruits, such as plum, can be eaten in several ways. Consume it raw as a nibble, include it as a garnish in salad, or they can be included in baking and sautéing. They could also be processed into jams, jellies, or sauces so as to get the plum taste, which is sweet and relatively sour throughout the year. 

Nutrient Facts for a Medium-Sized Plum
Nutrient Amount per Medium Plum (66g) % Daily Value
Calories 30
Carbohydrates 8 grams
Dietary Fiber 1 gram 4%
Sugars 7 grams
Protein 0.5 grams
Fat 0 grams
Vitamin C 6 milligrams 7%
Vitamin A 227 IU 5%
Potassium 104 milligrams 3%
Vitamin K 5 micrograms 6%
Magnesium 4 milligrams 1%



 Plum are not only delicious but also rich in nutrients and several health qualities that range from being preventive to combating diseases. There is no doubt that plums could be beneficial for digestion, the heart’s health, and even the immune system. This fruit is very versatile and it is about time to start enjoying the health benefits of it. 



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